US Patent and Trademark 
The Helicopter has been patented with the United States Patent and Trademark Office with the number 7'258.622.
PGA Merchandise Show 
We lunched The Helicopter in the PGA 2006 Merchandise Show in Orlando. We won second place at the New Product Section Contest and since then we have sold thousands of unities worldwide.
PGA Partners Club 
“The Helicopter® training aid provides a great visual aid for the position of your hands and club head during the swing. Simply align the red blades to the face of your club and then push The Helicopter® up to the grip of your club. Following the proper positions laid out in the DVD instructional video, golfers can learn how to properly hit a fade, draw and the more importantly straight shots.”
Golf Illustrated Readers Testing Program 
“The Helicopter®: Better accuracy. The Helicopter® provides for improving your accuracy and technique. Allowing for independent use or with other training aids either indoors or at the driving range, The Helicopter® allows you to improve your game, reduce your score and most of all , make game-improvement a simple and enjoyable experience. Attach The Helicopter® on any of your woods or putter, and just follow the instructions covered in the DVD.”

The Helicopter was launched at the PGA MERCHANDISE SHOW 2006. Since that, we have been showing from coast to coast to americans proudly our product.
We visited cities like Los Angeles CA, Long Beach CA, San Francico CA, San JoseCa, Pleasanton CA, Chicago IL, St. Louis MO, Orlando FL, New Jersey NJ, Hartford CA, Boston MA, Washington DC, Long Island NY, Queens NY, New York City, Indianapolis IN, TarryTown NY, Seattle WA and others.